Friday, November 30, 2007 11:29 AM
Stayed at home, baby-sitting?
Erm, yea. So called.
Dua2 anak bertua pat umah.
Naseb uhh. Kecaoh sia!
B, I miss u alot.
Many2 lur. Heh!
Ok, Liroy's case.
So yea, settled! I'm done.
& bitch, don't think that i'm over it.
Ini antara ku ngan Liroy.
Asl ko nak masok cmpor siol?!
Do take care, cus' sooner or later; i'm gonna haunt!
That's it, ur worst nightmare.
Don't act innocent. U're just an SLUT!
I know ur bf, we were close once. & be scared if i would tell him.
Gahh~ If he knows u're in dead shit, PUSSY!
Don't go beyond my limits.
Ku kasi ko last warning ey, muka ko tk pecah; da bagos tau!
Once go beyond it, be ready.
BITCH; get a life. Jgn suka masok cmpr. KEPO!
Jaga tepi kaen org asl? Muka sweet, smpai bila siol.
Hypocrited. U nvr been tought coutesy manner meh?
Ingat lagi skali; BE READY! Plus, think i'm scared with ur gurls?
Hah, minahs wannabe? Fcuk off. Besides, u gurls are so,
i must say KENTALAN? Gahh~ Sluts assholey.
Insensitive swines! LAST WARNING EY.
Ok, update soon abt this.
Heh! Sorry abt the language i used.
Labels: Screw u.
Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:34 PM
Congrats to me! New LOVEs;
Clap, clap, CLAP!
Currently attached to that hot-SUFF guy.
DAINAL; my dear2.
My bebeh! Rawr~
Went out with him.
Gahh~ Seriously, i love him to the max! or MAXIMUM lur.
His my everything. I missed him alot2!
& now his mine. Phew~
He make me smile more than anyone else in the world.
I'm happy.
Now, i'm a duck in a soup?Hmm, so called lur.Ok, its abt Liroy! Wahh~ sian lehx.Only god knows why. I need to escape from this thing,but what should i do sia? HELP.Gahh~ I need to escape from that beast!Fcuk. HELP, HELP, HELP!Hopes everything gonna be alright.& love, i promise that i won't leave u anymore.
I'll treasure our LOVE. Trust me!
You are my everything, dear2!
28.11.07 is the day, baby.
Syg, I love u with my heart.
The way u make me feel is incredible when im with u.
I wish I can put u in a jar and keep you forever!
Haha. (stupid nas)! Heh.
Till here then.
Update soon(:
Labels: I Finally Have A Reason To Smile.
I need you.
Monday, November 26, 2007 1:26 PM
You're once a dream that came true.
An illusion that turned to reality.
But suddenly, things turned differently;
the way they used to be until such time i have no choice
but to let you go. You're the reason for my sleepless nights
cus' you keep stayin' on my mind.
I can't help myself from crying cus' i'm missing you so much.
All the pain & sadness are bound inside my heart.
All the memories are still preserve in my mind.
I miss you so much cus' i can't hide the fact that;
i'm still in love with you. My life will never be the same again
now that you're gone. I'll be trapped in this loneliness forever!
To me it was so perfect, to me it was going fine.
I never thought i'd lose you, I thought you'd always be mine.
How come I never noticed, how come I couldn't see;
that you were changing your mind, the way you felt about me.
My heart just tore apart, as I let out a sigh. We hugged for the last time,
& I didn't wanna let go, but I finally pulled away as i told myself NO!
I held in my tears I began to walk away, when people asked what happened,
I had nothing else to say, except "I wanna be alone,
& I don't wanna talk abt it." The tears poured down my face,
as I asked myself why, why did it happen, why did he lie.
I didn't wanna believe it, yet I knew it was so true,
that we were definatly over. Hais!
Why my heart?
Labels: those says; I LOVE YOU.
12:28 PM
BORED! 2day stayed home lur.
Very2 tired. Gahh~ Mitting some1 special 2mllw.
Hais! Mish you. Nothing to post 2day laa!
So 2mllw kays.
So here's some pics of my adek, MIRA(:
Ok, done!
Mentel ey.
Jambu kan? Haha.
Sunday, November 25, 2007 10:54 PM
Ystd was great shit lur.
(Da great, nak shit pulak ey.) tsk tsk.
Ok, when Lau Pa Sat. Gahh~
Celebrate my Dad's burfday. Huhu!
Guess what! Saw my ex.
Kekasih lama! Hot-stuff siol.
Ok, heres the story goes.
Was walking 2wards the satay's place,
then2 saw him. He looked face to face!
For me, was that him. Cus' his face changed lur!
OMG! He smiled, & say "ey, NAS! How are you?"
He talked non-stop & i was lyk speeceless.
Waliao! Mcm npk hantu tau. Heh! (NAS MEPEK!)
Anwsered all his qs.
So, was sitting while waitting for food.
He actually looked at me non-stop. WALIAO!
Teehee(: Then got 1part, he was lyk showing hand sign.
Then i was lyk huh?! Ntah la ey apa itu anak bobal.
I when to the toilet, & came out to him outside the toilet.
Ok, there i was speeceless again. He asked me alot of qs.
Heh! So then, i said i'm wanna go 1st. Continued eating!
WAS VERY2 FULLED. He actually smiled at me almost all the tyme sia!
Gagaga. So sweet! So at 11+, when home.
Reached home he called! Didn't realised.
So called him back lur. Talk to him for almost 2hrs? Hmm..
He nvr changed sia!!!!!
Those words he used to say/expressed to me is still the same.
1of the cutest part, he still can say that he actually wanted
to take pics with me ystd; a memory! & its been months we lost cntct.
WOOTS! Talked to him till 2+. 1thing that he repeatedly says
"u're mine 1st true love, my dear." OMG! There i was lyk *blushing*.
& He called again at 4+.
HAHAHA! He acually missed my voice. Talked again; blah blah blah...
Till 6+ in the morning. Wahh~
Woke up very late, at 12.30pm. He msg-ed!
Hhahaha. Kekek!
So there, a short detail laa.
OK, this particular "hot guy" which i'm refering to is acually Dainal.
Shall update aites.
So that's all beautiful people(:
Thursday, November 22, 2007 5:08 PM
I'm back! Heh.
Stayed at home 2day.
lazy to go out!
Sorry Fendi, ku
paitao ko.
Seriously, ku penat uhh.
& Liroy, I'm sowie i can't mit u 2day.
I'm tired! Hais. Hope, 2mllw u be alryte aites!
I'll pray for u that nothing will happen.
U know, i know but others dunno. Get what i mean?
But if they were to take u, i swear that i'll
haunt that gurl.
BITCH! Watch out. Slut, this is all cus' of u!
Ok, sorry about my
language. Heh!
Do cheak out my fwensta, new layout.
Done by me, of course.
Can't wait,
Whee~ 17days to go.
Dalis? & some other gurls. (maybe)
Teehee! Ok, hopefully i could make it.
Insyallah, ku tak
Shall stop here.
those pics
4:18 PM
Ok, here's those pic.
Which i said i gonna upload soon.
Love ones.
Because they are special.
The Boyfriend & 8years Bestfriend.
All Time Bitch, Best Buddy & BabySis.
Kecohrable Gf, SweetHeart, The Babe & Baby.
Belo Closemate, Irritating Ones, CloseFriend & Partner In Crime.